Happy Birthday, Alice! From your online friends...

November 9, 1998

Diane Batshaw Eisman
10/1/98 8:22:58 PM

Dear Alice,

What an honor to be the first person signing in your birthday 

It is like opening your eyes and seeing a clear blue winter sky, 
white pristine snow and a fresh scent carried by the air.  
And that snow...just waiting for your footprints!!

But the greatest honor is being a part of your life.  You are 
one of the finest human beings that I know. A perfect star 
always shining, always warm, always wise and loving.

My birthday prayer for you is that this year brings you all the 
magnificent things that you deserve...joy, health, abundance,
peace and lots of chocolate.

I love you Alice


Dev 10/24/98 12:19:45 AM Dear Alice, It gives me great joy to celebrate another birthday together with you! My wish for you is health and happiness in the same generous measure you have given to others. Remember the good and kind people do win out in the end. Fondly, Dev~
Toni 10/24/98 7:12:25 AM

Alice Dear Alice, I pray that this will be one of the happiest birthday's ever for you. I wish you more joy than you can hold, more peace than you can share and more love than you can bear. You are such a wonderful friend to all of us "Surgettes" and I just want you to know how much I appreciate you for starting Power Surge and for always being available to us. Your wisdom and knowledge helps more women than you can even know. Wish I could be here for the party but just know I am thinking of you and all the other ladies and hope you have a great one!!! :) Much love and hugs........Toni PS. Don't get carried away with the chocolate. (tee hee)
Kathy Abascal 10/24/98 5:55:09 PM Dearest -- There are so many greatful women out there, helped in many ways by all your work. We are all so proud of your accomplishments! Have a wonderful birthday, sit back and enjoy our admiration and applause. Hugs. Kathy
Vicki Hufnagel MD Her Body 10/24/98 5:57:20 PM Best to you hard work and focus has given women another option and choice needed in this world..... I am proud to know you and wish you goodness and peace... with some pleasure in your next year.... Happy Birthday Alice .... thank you for your caring and friendship Vicki Hufnagel MD
Susan Moss 10/24/98 7:18:39 PM Thanks and Happy Birthday! Susan Moss
Dr.Joan 10/24/98 7:41:14 PM Have a happy one - celebrate each day. Thank you for the opportunity to have shared with so many good women.
Sharyn Wolf 10/24/98 10:02:28 PM Hi Alice, May you have a surge of good will and happiness on your birthday. Sharyn Wolf
Heather/THRV Endo Endometriosis@Thrive 10/25/98 8:21:51 AM Dearest "Dearest" =), I would like to wish you a very happy birthday and a year filled with good health and much happiness. May the good you do for women everywhere come back to you triplefold. Enjoy your day!! Hugs, Heather (Endo)
Elizabeth Bohorquez Mindbody Health 10/25/98 1:32:14 PM Dear Alice, Best wishes for a very happy birthday. You deserve the very best. Hugs, Eliz
Alan Sickles, MD 10/25/98 8:27:22 PM Dearest: Make sure you take some time from all the valuable work that you do, to celebrate your birthday. You're not getting older, you're getting better! All the best, Alan
Lorrie, THRV Snore well it is a wav homepage...hehehe called my home 10/25/98 11:30:36 PM Congrats. =0) enjoyed chatting and meeting you. =0) good Luck in the year to come and may it be 100% better than this past year. =0) think of getting older this way with each year we are on this Earth we gain a little more knowledge and learn a little better the paths and the pitchforks set on the road of life. =0) Lorrie
Enid Fox 10/25/98 11:33:26 PM This is the second year I have had the good fortune to wish you a happy "solar return." As the sun returns to Scorpio once again, we celebrate your birthday!. You have created the most marvelous place for us to gather for support and information during a difficult passage. Thank you, bless you. Best wishes in the coming year.
Lora Schweikert 10/25/98 11:47:22 PM Alice, I want to wish you a very happy birthday and send my wish that the next year will bring you joy, happiness, love and good health. I am honored to call you a friend and have enjoyed getting to know you over the past 2 years. Your hard work and dedication to helping women in menopause and bringing the most up to date information to Power Surge is just a small measure of your generosity. Lora
Janice Duncan 10/26/98 8:08:25 AM Hi Alice, It's so hard to believe another year has passed and its time to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY again!!! You know we aren't getting older only MUCH better!!! Thanks so much for all you do for Power Surge and I sincerely hope you have a wonderful birthday .......and maybe Tom Selleck will stop by to wish you Happy Birthday too!!! LOL!!! Take Care and enjoy your day, Janice Duncan
Zelma J.Gragg The Gragg Family Homepage 10/26/98 8:54:40 AM Dear Alice, First: Happy, Happy Birthday, my friend! You have been a good friend and helper to many of us. I hope we have been able to return a little bit of what you have given! You gave us hope when we had little. That makes all the difference in the world! Your friend and fellow surgette, Zelma
Dee Ito 10/26/98 10:21:28 AM Happy Birthday Alice! Many thanks for all your hard work! Congratulations and hope the next year is as productive and useful as those that have come before. All the best, dee
Carol Turkington 10/26/98 11:23:46 AM Happy Birthday, Alice, from one Scorpio to another! Hope your coming year is filled with good friends, good health and lots of success. Best wishes and support in your ongoing efforts on behalf of women everywhere! Best -- carol
Gail Thompson 10/26/98 3:45:01 PM Alice, I hope you have the best birthday ever. I've loved being a part of Power Surge for the last year and a half. I've always felt you have the most information on menopause, and related issues at your Web site. The P.S. b. board is wonderful, where we share EVERYTHING..not just "meno-stuff".. I wish you many more happy, healthy birthdays. Love and many hugs, Gail
Ruthi Backenroth 10/26/98 4:17:43 PM Happy Birthday... Alice, my friend, you have created a new world in cyberspace where countless women come to find relief and to be uplifted. You have my deepest appreciation for all the good you do.
Mira Kirshenbaum 10/26/98 4:27:38 PM Dear Alice, You were very kind and smart when I appeared for TOO GOOD TO LEAVE, TOO BAD TO STAY. You do important work, and you do a great job. May every new year be better than the previous one. Mazel Tov on your birthday! Mira Kirshenbaum
Cheryl Gillis/cdgee 10/26/98 5:31:47 PM Dear Alice, Wishing you the very best of birthdays....Filled with the happiest moments, the warmest wishes and the nicest memories! Happy Birthday with love, Cheryl
Mony 10/26/98 6:07:37 PM Alice, Happy Birthday to a very special lady - hope your day is everything you want it to be, and that the coming year brings you peace, contentment and oodles of good health. {Oh and maybe I'll throw in a wish for a date or two with R. R.} Mony PS - Guess who shares your birthday ? Bram Stoker; Edmund Halley (the comet guy), Margaret Mitchell, June Havoc, Christian Barnard, Patti Page, Morley Safer, Esther Rolle, Bonnie Raitt, and Mary Hart - just to name a few. They are in good company :)
Dusty (Linda) 26/Oct/1998 7:50:15 PM Happy Birthday, hope your day is great!Dusty
Peg 10/26/98 7:26:08 PM Dear Alice, Wishing you all the happiness you so richly deserve! You are like fine wine, aging only makes you better!!! I'm thinking of a song verse, "Did you ever know that your my hero?" Another quote that comes to mind is, "you have done so much for so many for so little." Thank you, Alice, from the bottom of my heart for all you have done in helping me find information to help me through this passage in my life. Happy, Happy Birthday, Dear Friend! Love and God bless, Peg
Lissa 10/26/98 7:54:23 PM Dear Alice, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Alice... Happy Birthday to yoooou. Wishing you a great year of love and happiness, and may your dreams continue to come true. Love and hugs, Lissa
Cheryl 10/26/98 8:41:38 PM Dear Alice, I wish you the best birthday anyone could have. You are a wonderful woman and deserve the best. xoxoxoxo cheryl
bjayi 10/26/98 9:21:08 PM Dear Alice, Happy Birthday to a special friend. How old were we when PS began?? Twenty nine??? Best wishes for a wonderful birthday and fantastic year. {{{{{Alice}}}}} Bon
Erica Piontek 10/26/98 9:33:30 PM Happy Birthday Alice! Hope it's the best yet!
Mary L.Bucher 10/27/98 6:35:20 AM Happy birthday Alice! May you have a wonderful year and best of heath throughout. Plus many more to come!!! Thanks for being here and you can be proud of helping so many women. A plus is the friendship that has developed among so many. Keep it up!!! MaryB
Meryl Wade 10/27/98 10:39:29 AM Dear Alice, Wishing you the most wonderful birthday ever and the best of health and happiness. Words just can't express how very grateful I am to you and the wonderful Surgettes who have done so much for so many of us. Your kindness, patience, wisdom and compassion have enriched our lives and helped us through the most trying of times. I consider it an honor to call you my friend. Wishing the best for the best! Love, Meryl
Sue Gettinger/THRV Sue 10/27/98 7:02:07 PM Dear Alice Happy Birthday to you! What can I say? We have come so very far, and yet there is still work to be done! You are my role model and my inspiration and best yet...my friend. Thank-you for all of your help, encouragement and wisdom. Here's hoping that you will have the best year ever and that all of your birthday wishes come true! {{{{{Alice}}}}} Big Hugs and kisses! :o) Sue
Judie Post 10/27/98 9:17:21 PM Alice, Although some of us no longer "see" you on a regular basis, you are always in our thoughts. Your guidance and knowledge have been so valuable to so many of us over the years. You have made it possible for many of us to make it to the "other side". :O Happiest of birthdays and many more.
Karreen 10/27/98 10:55:15 PM Dear Alice: Wishing you the best and most wonderful birthday. On behalf of the many thousands of women who have benefited from your caring, your concern and all your hard work -- I thank you -- for being you and for being there for us. Blessings for many, many more happy and equally successful years. Fondly Karreen
Kcera 10/28/98 1:02:30 PM Alice, You really do make a difference...thank you so much! Happy Birthday!
Lucinda Fleming Fleming Gordon Homepage 10/28/98 2:37:15 PM Alice, Wow! It doesn't seem like over 3 years that we've been co-hosting but it is. And every chat has been a pleasure,..well, not every chat. So let's see, getting to know you better AT EVERY CHAT has been a pleasure! Yeah! That works! Have a wonderful, happy, healthy birthday! Many all your wishes come true. Always, Cinda
Roni Prichason 10/28/98 8:05:28 Hi Alice, You are such a rich person! You give so much and so many people value and love you! You have been an inspiration for me, and your sense of humor is fabulous. I haven't been on aol for a while, but do miss your messages. Thanks to your inspiration of power surge, I have made some good cyber friends! Have a wonderful birthday, may all your dreams come true--- even Robert Redford! Sincerely, Roni Prichason
cesca 10/29/98 10:35:17 PM You're our treasure, Dearest! Happy happy birthday, and may Seņor Redford wish you the very same : )
Karen Khatib 10/29/98 10:45:43 PM Alice, What can I say that hasn't already been said. Your such a beautiful person. I was blessed to find Power Surge and blessed to find you. You have taught me so much and I would be lost without you. Your support for me has touched me to my very soul and I love you for that. I wish you only the best and hope you have the most wonderful Birthday ever. Love, Karen
Pete -&- Gail Hueseman 10/29/98 10:57:03 PM Alice, Count not your years by adding the days, but count with joy all the Power Surge friends you've made along the way. Hope your bithday finds you in the chips! Especially the chocolate kind. Have a wonderful day. Pete -&- Gail
June 10/29/98 10:57:19 PM I wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope this year is better than the last. And remember life begins at 40. I enjoy the guests you have on Power Surge as well. Hope you have good health this year as well. June
Arlene 10/29/98 11:08:05 PM Happy Birthday Alice! What would we do without you?! Have a wonderful birthday and a healthy and happy year. All my warmest wishes for good health, Arlene
Laurie Hochman 10/29/98 11:15:50 PM Alice, Thanks so much for being there for all of us. May your year be filled with joy, health and contentment, and maybe a box of godivas! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Laurie
Roseanne McLoughlin 10/29/98 11:30:51 PM Dear Alice, Happy Birthday and thank you for all your help and support through this difficult transition. From that little "thorn" in your side in California. Rose
Joanna 10/29/98 11:44:31 PM Happy birthday Dearest Thank you so much for all you have done for us. I hope your bithday is a happy one. Keep on with the encouragment you give us daily. a Friend Joanna :)
Alice Goldman 10/30/98 5:11:04 AM Dear Alice, Wishing you all the good health and good luck you deserve on your beautiul birthday! With all your support, you've helped me tremendously through this difficult time. Smiles and Hugs, Alice
Lynn Lynniepoo2's Home Page 10/30/98 7:18:44 AM Happy happy birthday baby!!! Alice---you're aging like a fine wine, but you never give me a headache! LOL Love and blessings Lynn
Bonnie Thompson 10/30/98 9:02:57 AM Happy Birthday Alice! How grateful we all are that you were indeed born! And though you've suffered a lot of pain, it's your suffering that has given birth to your selfless and compassionate giving. We are all the blessed recipients. Honor yourself this day! You deserve it. I hope truly that you have a wonderful celebration, and that the best is yet to come! Love, Bonnie
Sally (1019) 10/30/98 9:11:58 AM Dearest Alice, I want to thank you for all your efforts in creating and maintaining Power Surge. Finding the PS folder is the best thing to happen in my life this year; the education I have received there has allowed me to get my life back in control. Happy Birthday! Love, Sally:)
Joan Scott 10/30/98 9:26:53 AM A touch is enough to let us know we're not alone in the universe ... Adrienne Rich You have touched so many people. May all your compassion and good work come back to you. Birthday Blessings, love and peace in abundance to your on your special day and all days..... Joan
Celine 10/30/98 9:54:57 AM Happy Birthday, Alice...How lucky for me that you were born, the work that you do has helped me in so many ways!!!! I just want to thank you for the wonderful work that you do. Have a wonderful day, you deserve it!! Celine
Jo Smith 10/30/98 10:40:52 AM Dearest Alice! Happy Birthday! Thank you so much for "always" being there, and for what you are doing for us. "Days they pass so quickly now, the nights are seldom long, time around me whispers when it's cold. The changes somehow frightens me, still I have to smile, it turns me on to think of growning old." from Poems, Prayers and Promises by John Denver.
JILLY 10/30/98 10:48:41 AM Dear Alice, Happy Birthday to a warm and caring woman. May you have a wonderful day and many healthy and happy years to come! Thank-you for all your guidance to to all of us here at Power Surge. Love, JILLY
Mary Ellison 10/30/98 11:04:44 AM Dear Alice, Happy Birthday to a fellow Scorpio. May your blessed work continue to nourish you as much as it has nourished all of us. Best wishes and love, Mary
Donna 10/30/98 11:35:05 AM Dear Alice; I wish you the happiest of birthdays. May you always feel the love that surrounds you, may you have strength and healing when you need it, may you smile and feel joy every single day, and may all your birthday wishes come true. Celebrate the truly good woman that you are not just on your birthday but every day...you deserve the best. Happy, happy birthday to you.
Marilyn 10/30/98 11:53:08 AM Dearest (Alice), Happy Birthday! Thank you for the years of devoted research, sharing, and caring that you've done to bring valuable information, support, and friendships through Power Surge. May your birthday bring you as much warmth and happiness as you bring to others. Affectionately, ~Marilyn
Kate English 10/30/98 12:03:23 PM Dear Alice, Happy, happy birthday! Thank you so much for all that you do for us. Your efforts are so very much appreciated. But let's keep the candle count down on the cake, okay? None of us can take the extra heat! Love, Kate
debbie 10/30/98 12:27:35 PM Dearest, Have a very Happy Birthday!
Lorraine 10/30/98 1:26:41 PM Dear Alice: I wish you many fantastic years celebrating the fablous, warm and caring woman you are. Words cannot express the special place you and Power Surge hold in my heart. Thank you. Happy Birthday and love, Lorraine
Diana 10/30/98 1:54:35 PM Happy Birthday to my new online friend -- wishing you all the happiness and love and health . You and Power Surge have added so much to my life that I can't thank you enough. The information, wisdom and especially the friendship I have found here is a big part of my day. You deserve only the best............ :) Diana
Lorraine 10/30/98 4:53:40 PM Happy Birthday, Alice May you get as many happy returns as you give throughout the year. Lorraine
Dottie 10/30/98 5:51:02 PM Dear Alice, All my best wishes for a tremendous and wonderful birthday. If you receive even half of what you've given, you'll be a very happy woman. Thanks so much for everything you do and everything you are. Love and God Bless, Dottie
Sharon 10/30/98 5:55:13 PM Dearest: So it's another birthday huh? I know we are pretty close in age. Does this make you older than me now? lol I wish you good health with no menopause symptoms. Thank you for hosting the menopause support group. My life has been so much better since joining the chats. The abundance of information has made me more knowlegeable in making decisions regarding my health. Best to you Dearest your a great lady!
Randi 10/30/98 6:02:55 PM Dearest Alice, Happy, happy birthday from one of your new "surgettes". May your birthday be as warm -&- wonderful as the welcome you gave to me. Love, Randi
Carol 10/30/98 7:25:40 PM Dear Alice, It is hard to believe that yet another year has gone by. Sometimes the time drags slowly, at other times it speeds by on the wings of the fleetest bird. With life's opportunities this past year, you have experienced both. May the joys exceed your sorrows as you continue to live your life to the fullest. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. Carol
Susan 10/30/98 11:15:24 PM Best Wishes to a new friend, thank you for your support and sharing. What you are doing for your "surgettes' is worth more than money can buy, I wish you good health and peace of mind....Love Susan
Betsy 10/31/98 12:19:06 AM Alice, Happy, happy birthday baby! Thank you ever so much for providing a place where so many women can meet and commiserate! I, for one, bless the day you were born. Betsy
LYNDA 10/31/98 12:37:17 AM Dearest Alice, Have a Very Happy Birthday. You are a wonderful person who deserves the very best. I can never thank you enough for all that you have done for me. And i feel blessed that I found you and Power Surge. You are an Angel on Earth. Lynda
Margaret Brantley 10/31/98 5:47:13 AM Dearest Alice. Happy Birthday to a wonderful person and friend. My life has changed for the better ever since that night that I stumbled into one of your chats 7 months ago. Thank you so very much first of all for providing Power Surge and for your friendly welcome into this great community. I've learned so much and most of all, l've had a great time learning it. I love and admire you. Have fun!!!
Lisa Hoffman 10/31/98 9:38:06 AM Happy Birthday..special greetings for this speical day. You have created a wonderful resource and support to many women... Something to be quite proud of. And today its your day..enjoy. Wishing you a happy birthday!!!
Hedy 10/31/98 10:03:30 AM Happy Birthday! I think you're fabulous for bringing up "Power Surge"
Vicki 10/31/98 11:39:18 AM Dear Alice, Happy Birthday and many many more!!!!!!!!!Thank you for Power Surge and all your hard work. Regards Vicki
Linda 10/31/98 12:20:02 PM Hope you have a very wonderful birthday. Thank you very much for talking about a subject that, until a few years ago, no one talked much about. Now, we can go into this phase of our lives with information, not fright. Have a very happy birthday, Linda
Carol 10/31/98 1:52:36 PM Dearest Alice, A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. I truely wish a wonderful day for you full of happiness, health and laughter all day long. You're not getting older you're getting better :) You have provided us with an invaluable resource in Power Surge. How can we ever thank you for your love, time, energy and encouragement as we journey through this course that mother nature has set before each of us. The only way I know how, is to pass on help to others that we may know and help them in this journey too. I trust ALL of your Birthday Wishes will come true. All my love and thanks, God Bless you. Carol
Carol Goodman 10/31/98 6:44:06 PM For Dearest Alice: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! May this year and the years to come be filled with Love, Good Health and Happiness! I would like to share with you a Zuni Blessing: "May you grow old: May your roads be fulfilled; May you be blessed with life; To where the life-giving road of your son father comes out, May your roads reach May your roads all be fulfilled." (Translated by Marcia Keegan) I consider it a priviledge to call you My Friend :) Love Carol (another Carol)
Sha/Sharon 10/31/98 7:18:32 PM Dear Alice, Happy Birthday on this most special of days. Hope it is a wonderful one. Many many thanks for all the help you have been in the past few months. Your Scorpio intensity has certainly made this world better for many. HUGS, Sha/Sharon
Alice Streng 11/1/98 12:57:17 PM Dear {{{{{{Alice}}}}}}, Wishing you a very happy birthday and many more to come! You are a truly unique, special lady and an inspiration to all. It is an honor to know you, dear friend. Peace, love and happiness, Alice (The Other Alice)
Judy 11/1/98 4:27:18 PM Dear Alice, May you know only joy, satisfaction, and CHOCOLATE this year! Love, Judy
Susan 11/1/98 5:11:48 PM I wish you peace of mind and good health on your birthday.The education, comfort, and support you provide to all of us is worth more than anything money could buy. Thanks for this gift.... Love Susan
Georgia 11/2/98 2:14:39 PM Happy birthday, and many happy, healthy returns!! -- Georgia, Uma and AJ
Aaron Tabor, MD 11/2/98 11:51:24 PM Happy birthday from all the doctors at Revival Soy!
Judy 11/3/98 8:01:00 PM I wish you the happiest and healthiest of birthdays - may that continue throughout the year. I don't use your site very much, but I love to know that it's there - it is a great feeling to know that you're out there. Happy Birthday!
Sondra 11/3/98 9:57:46 PM Alice, I wish you a very Happy Birthday and a life full of HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND FUN !
Maxine 11/3/98 10:16:26 PM Happy Birthday Alice and thank so much for all you've done for middle aged women .... Helping us get through THE HEAT And then on to the next wonderful chapter in our lives... There is life after menopause!
Pat 11/4/98 8:41:57 AM Happy Birthday Alice and many many more to a very caring person! Patzy319
Mattilyn Fraser 11/4/98 1:31:55 PM Dear Alice: I hear from Mary that your B'Day is November nine. Let me say to you, I think that's mighty fine. I know that you're a great person, though we've never met. I trust that we'll meet someday -- on the Internet. Until that time makes it this way. I hope that you'll have a very Happy Birthday! Many more Happy Birthdays. Mattilyn Fraser
Joanne Morehouse 11/4/98 4:14:12 PM Have a wonderful birthday dearest. The name is truly fitting and nobody...
Joanne Morehouse 11/4/98 4:17:53 PM As I was saying have a wonderful birthday and thank you for being here for all of us. Hope this year is the best one yet for you.
Chris 11/4/98 6:08:13 PM Happy Birthday Have a great one!!!
Judith Sachs idsources 11/4/98 7:44:31 PM Hope this year brings wonderful people, experiences, and feelings. Thanks so much for all you've done to help promote my books. Love, Judith
Bonnie Rothman 11/4/98 10:43:27 PM "Dearest:" I do believe that you've added a word to the language: Power Surge! Not all of us can fit the discussions into our schedule but we still check in when we can because you've helped so much to make it OK to be ourselves. It's a comfort and a real charge to know that you are there. Have a truly great day!
Glenda Love 11/4/98 10:50:38 PM HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May all your dreams come true. Thanks for all you do.
Dip 11/7/98 5:55:17 PM To Dear Alice, Being friends with you all these years has been a privledge:) As your birthday rolls around,I wish you a Happy, Happy Day with Sunshine, Good Health and for ALL Your B-Day Wishes and Dreams to Come True!!! H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y !!!!! All My Love, ~~Dip~~
China Galland 11/8/98 10:30:28 Happy Birthday to Alice and thanks again for the interview! Best wishes, China Galland
Debra 11/9/98 4:08:55 PM Hi Dearest, I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday! You are respected by all the Surgettes! Thank-you for Power Surge! Have a great day! TNGRMA44 Debra
MaryO 11/09/98 12:00:00 AM Hi, {{{Alice}}}! Here it is, the eve of your birthday and I still can't think of words to say to tell you how grateful I am to you and Power Surge. So I'll do what I always seem to do. Here's a re-post from one of your messages... From "The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams "It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand." "I suppose you are real?" said the Rabbit. And then he wished he had not said it, for he thought the Skin Horse might be sensitive. But the Skin Horse only smiled. "The Boy's Uncle made me Real," he said. "That was a great many years ago; but once you are Real you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always."
I hope this year brings you more happiness and better health than you've had in a long time. Thank you, Alice, for being so Real :) Hugs, Mary PS...thanks, also, for reminding me about the "pre" tag :)
MaryO 11/09/99 12:00:00 AM Hi again, Alcie! It's another year later and I can still say how proud I am to be your friend. My wish for you is the same this year as last... "I hope this year brings you more happiness and better health than you've had in a long time." I hope it's a wonderful, wonderful day for you and you can celebrate with your family around. You deserve the best and I hope you get it! Hugs again, for another year :) Mary

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